How to Create Ultra Depth Leaves
We are all used to going straight to the yellowish, plastic maple leaves on eBay, Amazon or various other internet outlets. They are a lot of work to get right. You need the right dye/ink combo, the right length of cooking time and of course you need to machine wash them to get rid of their crinkly non-absorbing feel. Once dyed, you then need to apply to your suit, rig and/or gun. And with all that you get a flat piece of greenish material.
For all that work you are missing another key ingredient to crafting: depth. In this episode I show you what I do with custom dyed ribbon to create ULTRA DEPTH LEAVES! They are just another tool for your craft.
Skirmshop have released a 3 pack of custom dyed green strips in 2 different sizes 25mm or 38mm. Cut it, ruffle it, strip it, tie it, its fast to apply, simple to work with and great for adding vibrant opaque colour to your ghillie builds.