Pistons Cups and O-ring heads!

Good to see Silverback is going to release the O-ring piston head (Photo2) for their pistons. We were testing and sampling an O-ring head for the SRS/TAC-41 scorpion as well (Photo1) but we would like to see if we can just use the Silverback piston head on the scorpions or make a connector so it can work with the scorpion pistons.

We are eager to test the new silverback O-ring piston heads and when we can connect it to the scorpion with an adapter we will make it fit so you guys can use it on the scorpion pistons, if it won’t fit we will release our own O-ring piston head so you can simply use it on your Stalker scorpion SRS/TAC-41 pistons. Keep you guys updated!

(Photo2) Silverback Airsoft Advanced piston head (SRS & TAC-41)


All my Stalker upgrades can be found here: https://www.skirmshop.nl/nl/stalker/upgrades-parts/?ref=stalkerairsoft

Products used in this guide

Stalker Upgrades can be found here
Stalker Upgrades can be found here

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